The New Zealand Government has given approval for horses that have been in Conghua to be exported from Hong Kong to New Zealand on the same basis as other horses in the Hong Kong population. The new arrangement is effective immediately.
Following an assessment by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) of the Conghua Equine Disease Free Zone (EDFZ) including the biosecurity systems of the Club’s Conghua Racecourse (CRC), the New Zealand Government has confirmed Conghua EDFZ in maintaining a health status equivalent to that of Hong Kong SAR and approved extension of the existing Hong Kong SAR conditions for the export of horses to New Zealand to include the Conghua EDFZ in Mainland China. This means that horses that have been in CRC are no longer required to achieve 180 days continuous residency in HKSAR prior to export to New Zealand.
Mr. Andrew Harding, the Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Executive Director, Racing, said: “This approval greatly enhances our horse movement arrangements with New Zealand and will be of considerable assistance to racehorse owners. The Club appreciates the efforts of MPI and the HKSAR Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.”
- The Hong Kong Jockey Club