
Dunstan Feeds Rising Stars Championship

With the support of Dunstan Feeds, the Auckland Racing Club (ARC) is pleased toannounce a new series of races to be held during the summer months.

The Dunstan Feeds Rising Stars Championship will start at Counties on SsangYongCounties Cup Day on Saturday, 19 November and will culminate with an $80,0001500 metre final on Boxing Day at Ellerslie.

To be eligible for the Dunstan Feeds Rising Stars Championship, horses must not havewon more than three flat races at the time of nomination (Monday, 14 November).

Like the very successful Dunstan Stayers Championship, horses competing in the 24qualifying races will earn points – points that will determine the final field. Thequalifying races will range from Rating 65 to Rating 85 over distances between 1200and 1600 metres. Of the 24 qualifying races, 15 will be run in the Northern Region, 8 inthe Central Districts and 1 in the South Island.

Craig Baker – Executive General Manager of Racing and Operations commented "itis exciting to be able to roll out another race series during November and Decemberwith the final on Boxing Day – one of New Zealand's biggest race days. What makesit more special is the fact that the ARC has been able to again partner with DunstanFeeds, the long-time sponsor of the Dunstan Feeds Stayers Championship.''

David Smith – Principal for Dunstan Feeds commented "Dunstan Feeds is verypleased to be able to extend their involvement with the ARC and the New Zealandindustry generally. The Dunstan Feeds Stayers Championship has been verysuccessful so it is very exciting to expand on that with the Dunstan Feeds Rising StarsChampionship and therefore creating the Dunstan Feeds Double".

For more information on the Dunstan Feeds Rising Stars Championship includingqualifying races and closing dates, please contact Craig Baker – Executive GeneralManager – Racing and Operations at craigb@ellerslie.co.nz or 09 522 3818.


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